
Thursday, May 6, 2010


I've been playing with possible borders for my Liberated Log Cabin quilt. This quilt is so out of my comfort zone, can you help, please? Any and all suggestions are most welcome. Thanks!


  1. Hi I like the bottom pic best
    I think (but could be wrong) that you're intending a border all around of the blue stripe, then the flowers then the black (ie 3 borders)? Or even blue stripe then a mix of flowers and black (2 borders)?
    Don't know why but it seems stronger than the other pics.

    You've got much further than me, I'm still trying to work out cornerstones for my TicTacToe! I think I've decided solids and tone on tone in complementary colours to the main blocks, but getting the right values is a killer. Maybe I should try a single colour set of cornerstones like you have with yours!

  2. I love the purple/green/white strip but don't see a combo that works for me using it. the bottom picture using the floral print looks good, I like the mini stripes as a small inner border
    (I think your 'zone' has just expanded!) looks good cw

  3. I like the fabrics in pictures 3 and 4 the best - but then I think I like darker fabric and always like blue!

    I'm so impressed that you are so far along with putting together the wonky log cabin quilt. My blocks are in a neat stack waiting for me to join them together...

    However, I've taken a detour and am working on figuring out machine quilting and putting on bindings. I'm doing some quilts like you - only my kit fabric has robots with yellow, blue and red. I just have the binding to do for one of mine - it's very fun to almost have a finished product!

    Your wonky log cabin is going to look so terrific!

  4. I like the bottom picture
    the others seemed to busy.

    I cant wait until its done.


  5. I'm a little confused by pics ! & 2-- are you using all of those fabrics?
    If you want something very bold, the diagonal stripe would work (not so much with that combo), but I like pic #3 the best.

  6. Love the top stripes but think the bottom picture works better.Nice job.

  7. I love the blue stripey the best.

  8. I love the purple/green/tan diagonal stripe, but not really with the other purple you show in photos 1 and 2... Decisions, decisions!

  9. Mmm, the bottom photo seems to call to me. And I love the blue striped fabric the best, maybe as an inner border? A dark color as the final outer border would frame it all nicely. I tend to make wild bindings, and that floral print just screams "use me".

    I am super impressed with your progress! I can't wait to begin laying my blocks out and planning my quilt. You're an inspiration!


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