
Friday, July 6, 2012


No stitching lately, but just wanted to check in with my blogging friends and let you know I'm fine, surviving this heat wave my style, LOL! 


  1. Where are you sitting? Not in alligator waters I hope. I know where my daughter lives, so do the alligators.

  2. With your happy smile, too! Good to see you are surviving ~

  3. you are bringing back memories I remember when we lived on the lake we used to do that!! you just look so comfy..

  4. Looks like the perfect spot!

  5. You sure look stylin', cool and happy in that chair! Excellent idea.
    Glad you are creatively getting thru the heat.

  6. Well don't you look cute... and cool! Enjoy yourself!

  7. The perfect way to spend a hot summer day! I wish I had something like that in my backyard!!


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