
Tuesday, July 10, 2012


July is a super time to start getting ready for Christmas.  A gal at my Monday group shared this Towering Tree pattern.  Yes, it's a tad wonky, but not as much as it looks in this picture!  The sparkly stars on the fabric aren't showing up well either.  I might add more adornment, or maybe a star at the top.


  1. Love your little tree! All of us 'forrests' in the forest look out for one another. lol
    /; -)
    ps: i have a tallllll tree similar to this that is over 36" long and only 4" wide... if it weren't weighed down with do-dahs and trinkets it would be totally wonky! lol

  2. Great little tree! Are you decorating it? :-}pokey


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