
Sunday, July 15, 2012


Two of my granddaughters are visiting, and we've been doing some sewing.  This is Ali at the machine.  She made a little purse/bag.  It has two pockets inside, and is perfect for her camera and some cash, LOL!

She found the button to decorate it in my button box.

I love to see the young'uns taking an interest in stitching!  Makes a Nana proud.


  1. Very cute, I too love to see young'uns getting into sewing. I hope to Erin into sewing start her like I was, having to hand crank the machine, jees do I have a machine that isn't computerized that would work that way??

  2. What a happy day! I look forward to teaching sewing projects, how sweet that this is with your own grandchild.

  3. Sounds like you all had a fab time. Please tell your DGD that I think her purse is darling! The button is great. She did a super job.

  4. mine loves to come up and sew with me and crochet


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