
Saturday, December 28, 2013


Nanette, Jodi, and I usually go to Stashbusters at a LQS on the 4th Saturday of the month.  But today they weren't having it -- taking a holiday rest.  So we got together to stitch and laugh and eat at Jodi's.  Isn't her sewing room beautiful, roomy, and light.  Love it!  We had a super time.

Here I am trying out Jodi's Tiara.

Nan was busy with a secret project.

Here's Jodi at the cutting station.

This is the pressing area.

Jodi stores her fabric in an adjoining room.  I didn't get a picture, but it is all very well organized fabrics, folded, on bolts, and in tubs.

Oh, did I mention more talking than stitching might have taken place???


It was wonderful to get together with friends to sew together.  We need to do it more often!


  1. It looks like such fun, and if I were closer I'd be there. Happy New a Year!

  2. Looks like tons of fun! Happy New Year!

  3. I read that you were trying out a tiara and I looked on your head for it. I didn't realize that the machine has that name. LOL! That machine has a lot of space for machine quilting.

  4. As I've shared before, I'm not a quilter; but I love getting together with my "Stichen' Bitches" group to knit and TALK.
    I visited a quilting shop several times (a few years ago) while visiting Kalispell, Montana and loved the camaraderie of the quilters I met there.
    I'd equate it to the fishing friendships, etc. of the men in the family!

  5. You're very lucky to have 2 such great gals to sew with, Pat. I've been lucky to sew with them at our annual GTG a couple of times and only wish I could make it to the Spring Thaw Retreat in FL. But I do have my Wed sewing group at Joan's so I get to share with friends also, including Diane and Donna. It makes your sewing time so much more special when you spend it with friends.

  6. Ok if I had known I was going to be on the internet I would have done my hair, other than a frizzy ponytail. When is picture retake day? lol

    We did have a good time and we need to do it again when you can stay longer.


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