
Thursday, January 2, 2014


Since this is my first post of 2014, one would expect it to be about sewing resolutions.  Like last year I was going to have 13 finishes in '13.  Yah, that happened.  Not!

But I am joining in with a group to try to finish things we have started.  No matter how long it takes.  Finish it.  Not that we are promising not to start new things, not to buy fabric or patterns  (yes, English majors, the triple negative is intentionally confusing).  I know I'll be starting new things.  I know I'll shop sometimes.  I did on Jan 1 sale at LQS (40% off everything).  Just to also finish something from the past once in a while.

Here's the first UFO I dug out.

I has been three years waiting to get quilted.  Three years.  I started big-stitch hand quilting it, wasn't happy, put it away, got it out, thought about taking out the stitches and machine quilting it, put it away, got it out, thought about how great it would look if I did it this way or that way, put it away, got it out, repeat.

This quilt is for our daughter, Melissa, and was made specifically to fit a quilt rack our son, Eric, made for her.  Geesh!  Finished is better than perfect.  I plan to finish this one this month.  Or soon.  Or at least never put it away to ponder again!


  1. Aahh, Pat, I know the feeling. I just rearranged things under my queen-size bed in my motor home; I found about ten years worth of knitting and crocheting projects I was going to complete while on this adventure - haven't touched a hook or needles since I left home in July. I have to say it's the fault of this nasty arthritis in my hands; but it's still frustrating - I think I could do a little each day or so - it'd be better than nothing!
    Check out my post of today about New Year's Resolutions! Happy New Year, Pat. I just know that quilt will one day hang on that quilt rack your son-in-law made.

  2. I like the idea of getting it done and not buying new before that happens. But how many ever do that. Not me! I like new stuff too well. I wish you luck on your finishing journey.

  3. I need to do this too, as I have a healthy pile of ufos needing the finishing touches! Good luck and Happy New Year!

  4. It's all sandwiched and ready to Finish. Hand quilting and machine quilting would be OK. It's going to show and TELL and different story than originally planned. Oh well! Good challenge.

  5. I like it. I am also working on a big-stitch quilting.


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