
Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Ready for guild today.  Too funny.  Tom said he can't remember seeing me dressed so warm -- turtle neck, fleece, boots.  Then reminded me to be sure my winter coat was in the car, whether Jodi or I drove.  Kind of fun for a day or so.  We'll be back to 80 this weekend.
Some guild members still wore their flip flops; flips are hard to give up :)  But when do I get to wear boots?


  1. Pat, you are so lucky. Up here WI it is -17F for the 3rd day in a row. Schools and events closed 3 days in a row. Never before so many days and nights of sub-zero so low and so many days long. . . Wish I were in FL... the 30's will feel balmy when the retun here.

  2. Pat, you are so lucky. Up here WI it is -17F for the 3rd day in a row. Schools and events closed 3 days in a row. Never before so many days and nights of sub-zero so low and so many days long. . . Wish I were in FL... the 30's will feel balmy when the retun here.

  3. We're all suffering in the southeast. I don't even enjoy the posts of my friends who are in souther Arizona and California! Hopefully later today it'll warm up in Louisiana.


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