Today I feel like I'm in the Land of the Giants! I'm always making tiny blocks with a million pieces, like DJ and SBS. But today I started my Disappearing Nine Patch Hearts quilt using heart blocks from two swaps I was in last winter. Both the swap on DJ Alternate, called Heart to Heart, or H2H, and the heart swap on my Friendship Swap group had the same guidelines, so the blocks all go together.
You start by making a nine-patch. Since the swaps were 6" squares, the 9-patch was a whopping 18". Huge! The blocks you place in the corners will not be cut, so that's where the hearts go. The center block will end up smallest, so usually you use something darker there.
Here's my first giant 9-patch.

Then you slice it down the center, both vertically and horizontally.

Then you play with the 4 resulting blocks to find an arrangement you like. Here are some of my possibilities, on my design wall.

If your uncut blocks don't have a definite right way up, the possibilities are doubled, or you can start out with two of them (generally diagonally - but there's no rules here) going the opposite direction.
This is really a fun pattern.