I'm working on my Local Houses Swap Blocks. We are making funky houses using materials that represent where we live.
My house in Paradise, MI is a little cabin in the woods, so that's what I used for the house -- cabin the the woods fabric. We are in a woods with pine trees, white birch, and other northern trees. Some will have pines, like this block, and some with have white birch. Wild blueberries grow on our property so that's my roof. The chimneys are cranberries, because our town of Paradise, is the Cranberry Capital of MI. There's a quilter in the front window of each block, and blueberry wallpaper in the kitchen window. We don't have a lawn, so I'm using beach sand, and some will have dune grass. Lake Superior is out our door, so that's on the side of my house, and there's shore birds in the sky.
These are really fun to work on. Can't wait to see what each quilter does with their houses.
I love what you have done with your block and how it represents your piece of paradise (!). Please share photos of the others too when you have them, this looks like a fun swap!
Great job, Pat! I love how you even have the quilter in the window! :o)
I can't believe how many details you packed into that house block. It's wonderful.
Ah, now I understand what the local house swap is. A good idea. You represent your "local" area well with your house block.
Great thought went into your block and hope the others will do so. I need to finish up mine.
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